Career Connections
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Career Connections
Summary of Position
The Preble County Career Connection Director position is the liaison between the school districts and area businesses to develop, market and coordinate activities that will expand students’ knowledge of local career opportunities and facilitate educational attainment needed for the workforce. Programs and events developed should include the local schools, Edison State Community College, Miami Valley Career Technology Center, County agencies and local businesses, as stakeholders.
Benefits for Businesses
Enable employers to attract local talent in high-demand careers
Contribute to the educational attainment of students and prepare them to become a highly-skilled workforce
Develop and maintain strategic partnerships with schools
Keep education current by addressing employer needs
Utilize industry state-of-the-art workplace and equipment to enhance student learning
Provide opportunities for students to enhance career portfolios
Benefits for Schools and Students
Develop and maintain strategic partnerships with local industry/business
Create extended learning opportunities for students in their career interest fields
Keep education current by addressing employer needs
Utilize industry state-of-the-art workplace and equipment to enhance student learning
Provide opportunities for students to enhance career portfolios
Provide students opportunities to demonstrate applied knowledge
Provide opportunities for expanded elective credits working toward career pathways
Benefits for Community
Promote a positive community image that drives economic development
Improve the quality of life for student families
Increase local job opportunities
Harold Niehaus, Ph.D.
Career Connections Director

The Career Path Less Taken
For quite some time, parents have held the belief that the best path for their children to take to ensure their future success is to attend college. Times have changed; however, and more than half of students who graduate with a college degree are not able to get a job using that degree. As such, many students are left with a great deal of student debt without the means to repay that debt. In fact, there is a great need for skilled labor in our country. Many of these jobs pay as well or better than those requiring a four-year degree. Before deciding whether or not to send your child to college, it is worth considering other options.
Career Connections Database
Use this database to find individuals who can assist your students based on their interests.