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Welcome to the Preschool web page.  Our program serves Preble County students age 3 – 5.

Preschool News!

Preschool Gets New Playground Mulch

The ESC preschool playground got a new layer of mulch.  Bringing in and spreading this much mulch is no easy task; however, one of our staff memebers was kind enough to bring a Bobcat from her farm to move the mulch over the playground fence.  Student volunteers from...

Ms. Katie

Ms. Veronica

Ms. Stacie

Ms. Logan

Ms. Ryan

Ms. Mary

Ms. Debby Barnett

Preschool Supervisor

Kari Izor

Itinerant Teacher

Ms. Trya Douglas

Instructional Coach


M-F: 7:00am - 4:00pm


597 Hillcrest Dr.
Eaton, OH 45320
